
After hiring a nanny after having her first son Lara Schoenfeld realised that most nannies have never had the opportunity as children to paint or to build puzzles themselves and may feel apprehensive to have to initiate such activities with children they care for. So in April 2012 she founded Nanny ‘n Me. Since then Nanny ‘n Me has trained over 5000 nannies in play and development. Read more about Nanny ‘n Me here.
It was always a dream to be able to help moms living in poverty to know the importance of early stimulation and how to play with their little ones. Zandile Mahola worked in the Nanny ‘n Me Cape Town Head Office for more than 5 years. Her responsibilities included packing weekly kits for a team of over 14 group facilitators, managing equipment and stock, as well as being a stand in group facilitator and running groups where needed. She knows the Nanny ‘n Me curriculum inside out and upside down! She is ECD trained and previously worked at Sikhula Sonke in Khayelitsha with moms and children aged 6 and up.
In 2021, it finally became possible for our incredibly capable Zandile to be able to start running groups in Khayelitsha. Our Nanny ‘n Me curriculum was used as inspiration for the design of a new curriculum with the community context in mind. The Growing Together curriculum uses our research and theory based Play Lessons from Nanny ‘n Me’s curriculum, but uses activities that are appropriate for these moms and children considering the environment that they live in and resources available to them.
Wendy Baston, an OT and mom who has worked for Nanny ‘n Me since 2013, led the curriculum design process for the duration of 2022 until two full sets of curricula were complete - one for babies and one for toddlers.
With existing connections from years prior, Zandile collaborated with Sikhula Sonke in 2022 so that they could provide a safe venue for sessions to take place. After seeing the effectiveness of the program, Sikhula Sonke reached out to partner with us in 2023. (Read more about this under “Our Partners” below).